



  Marion County, Mississippi  
Interested in Genealogy and History?

For Students:

Citing Information You Find on the Internet

This is one way to cite the information you find on the Internet.
It is not the only way, so if you are writing a research paper, make sure you follow the formatting directions given with the assignment.
1. Author, or compiler if there is no author listed.
2. Website sponsor
3. The date you found the information online
4. The URL (web page address) of the PAGE on which you found the information.
Gorman, Shannon,, 29 October 2008,

The Website Sponsor is the organization, business or person that hosts the website.
The Author is the person who wrote the original material. You are the author of your paper (I hope). I am the author of some of the information on this website. If the webpage does not give the name of an author, it means the information is public knowledge, widely circulated, and I collected it, but I did not write it, or I could not find the name of the original author.
The Compiler is the person who collects, researches, formats, and/or publishes the information online.
Your Works Cited, or Bibliography is a list of the articles, websites, books, interviews, newspapers, and all other sources of information you used in deciding what to write in your paper.
The reason you "cite" where you found the information is so that you can find it again, your teacher can find it, and other people who read your work can find your sources.

The content and formatting of this website is under copyright by the people who contributed the content, and in many cases, by me, who researched, compiled and formatted much of the content. If you want to publish the information found on this website in any format you need to receive approval in writing before you publish. My main interest is in making sure you give credit to the people who contributed the information. Email me.








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Marion County History
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Early Southwest Mississippi Territory

Marion County On-line Record Room


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Columbian Progress Newspaper





Last updated 30 Oct 2008