Dear Shannon,
I appreciate all the work you’ve put into the Marion Co. website. It’s nice to know someone is keenly interested in gathering and preserving Marion Co. history. I am researching the family of William Wilson Forbes of Marion Co. who arrived in the Fordsville area (Sandy Hook) about 1834. I have especially enjoyed the Mystery Farm series.
Kindest regards,
Mike W. Forbes
William Forbes, Sr., was born in VA in 1756 and died in Pendleton in 1820. He was a Revolutionary War veteran who received land grants in Ninety-Six Dist., S.C. for service. So far I have identified over 4,000 of his descendants.
So far I have a little over 2,000 descendants of William W. Forbes of Marion Co. (1793-1857). He did not receive a homestead deed (BLM-GLO), but did receive two bounty land warrants for service during the Creek and Indian War (1814). He was a wheelwright by trade. I have found mention of him in probate records settling claims against estates (John Warren Jr. and Asenith Drake). From the land records of his son, Francis, it is my gut feeling William lived on the present Military Road, about ½ mile north of the LA state line. He left Pendleton in Anderson Dist., S.C. after losing his home and 423 acres in a suit filed by Samuel Maverick over a debt of $64.12! His father,
William W. Forbes’ 2nd wife, Rebecca Jones, was ½ Choctaw. Some of her children were deemed by the Dawes Commission to be ¼ Choctaw. Three of her sons moved to the Indian Territory; two remained, one left and settled in Tangipahoa Parish, LA. Some of Rebecca’s grandsons also moved to the Indian Territory. I have not ordered their application files from NARA yet, but need to do so.